Urgent Care Centre NHS
The Urgent Care Project was at the front of the hospital and was carried out in 6 phases. The whole project was surrounded by live areas and as part of the development strategy, D&G had to manage all the areas effectively. We were praised by staff for how we carried this out and how we managed to carry out the work with minimal disruption.
Value: £812,000
Timescale: 26 Weeks
The works involved;
Phase 1 - demolish and construct an extension to the department in a courtyard. This was carefully managed as all waste and materials had to come through the live hospital.
Phase 2- to remove an existing reception area and turn this into a large waiting area.
Phase 3 - to construct three consultation rooms.
Phase 4 - to demolish all the existing rooms and construct a clean utility, dirty utility, hot lab, equipment store, reception, store rooms, staff WC, two consultation rooms, eye room and one assessment room.
Phase 5 - in fill and open up an area which was an entrance to the hospital with a new roof and floor, then opening this up to the main hospital and convert the area in to a training room and assessment room.
Phase 6 - conversion of the Paediatric reception to give this a fresh look. The Phases were completed on time and the project came in on budget.